Metlab Corporation, Metallographic, Metallurgical, Metallography, Equipment abrasive, metallographic, cutting, machine, sectioning phenolic, metallographic, mounting, machine, mounting, hot mounting metallographic, grinding, machine, grinding polishing metallographic, polishing, machine, polishing grinding Table-top Surface grinder, spectroscopic, sampl,e preparation, of steels and irons petrographic sample preparation, Preparing thin sections, thin sectioning, metallographic
Metlab Corporation, Sectioning, Metallographic, Metallurgical, Metallography, Equipment Metlab Corporation, Hot Mounting, Metallographic, Metallurgical, Metallography, Equipment Metlab Corporation, Grinding, Metallographic, Metallurgical, Metallography, Equipment Metlab Corporation, Polishing, Metallographic, Metallurgical, Metallography, Equipment Metlab Corporation, Spectroscopy, Metallographic, Metallurgical, Metallography, Equipment Metlab Corporation, Petrography, Metallographic, Metallurgical, Metallography, Equipment


Sectioning Mounting Grinding Polishing Spectroscopy Petrography

Sample preparation starts with "Cutting" and good "Cutting" means a good start. Selecting the right cut-off wheel ensures freedom from burn and distortion and is the best way to save time and consumables. Correct cutting produce specimens which are in perfect condition for the next preparation steps. Precision cutting is used for precise and deformation-free cutting of “Metals, Ceramics, Electronic Components, Crystals, Composites, Biomaterials, Sintered Carbides, Minerals, etc. Sample Preparation for Metallographic, Metallography, Metallurgical of sectioning for abrasive cutting, machines or equipment such as Metacut, Servocut, Micracut”

For minerological specimens, the surface is prepared for examination with a reflected light microscope and the preparation procedure is basically similar to the preparation of metallographic specimens.

Preparing thin sections, on the other hand, requires highly specialized equipment and skills because the specimen is extremely thin, generally around 20 microns for observations with transmitted light microscope.
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SERVOCUT Abrasive Cutting Machines

MICRACUT Precision Cutting machine

METCUT Abrasive Cutting Machines SERVOCUT Abrasive Cutting Machines MICRACUT Precision Cutting Machines
Petrography / Thin Sectioning    
Petrography / Thin Sectioning    
Sectioning Mounting Grinding Polishing Spectroscopy Petrography
    4011 Hyde Park Blvd  -  P.O. Box 1075  -  Niagara Falls, NY 14302  - 1-800-828-6866